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Scott Kurtock
Posted on the 2023-02-06 at 19:00
Hello! I am planning on attending or 40th reunion and hope to see a great turnout this time! Sadly, we need to look at name tags to recognize fellow classmates....oh well, I don\'t think anyone gives a rip if we are not as we once were! Until we meet again CHEERS!
Scott Kurtock AKA Big Shooter
Posted on the 2018-08-07 at 20:00
As many of you are aware, the class of 1983 graduated that same year. I would now like to take the time to pass along an important tidbit of information. If my math skills serve me right and it is truly 2018 then this is in fact our 35–year reunion. In addition (pun intended), do not forget your writing utensils and memorabilia of which need to signed by yours truly. I will be signing them on a first come first serve basis. Sir Scott of Cambridge (AKA Sir Scott of Harris, which is not as impressive)    
Mary Zeglis Tramm
Posted on the 2018-05-13 at 20:00
I can't believe that is #35. I remember when we were in high school and thought 35 years of age was old! Excited to see everyone in August! 
Kathi Beckman-Strohl
Posted on the 2013-06-24 at 20:00
Hi Everyone! Hope everyone is doing Great and staying healthy! 30 yrs has flew by and boy what an adventure it has been. I have lived and learned alot over the years!! You know what they say "Sometimes you just have to turn around,give a little smile, throw a match and burn that bridge. Learn from your mistakes and change them for the better!! God Bless Everyone! I hope you all stay healthy and live a long wonderful life. Take Care and sorry I can't be there for the 30th.
Mark Grina
Posted on the 2012-07-10 at 20:00
I have missed the past fe reunions so I will look forward to being there for our 30th in 2013!
John Greiner
Posted on the 2011-03-13 at 20:00
Sorry to hear Tim Silva passed away.... he always had a great sense of humor.
Betsy Walsh
Posted on the 2008-09-22 at 20:00
Hey everyone...Im not from you class but know several grads from your class. I happened to google a few names and found a few friends that I didnt know had passed away!!! I am so sad to see that Tim Silva had died! Can anyone tell me how/when he died? I was with him in the Man of LaMancha musical, and knew him through Speech after that.  If anyone knows, please email me at
Lisa Johnson
Posted on the 2008-09-13 at 20:00

Hi everyone~this website is the best!  You've done a great job!
It's so great to look at all of the photos and to catch up with each of you.  Missed the 25th but hope to see you all again in 5 years!

Angie Melgaard (Kamin)
Posted on the 2008-08-03 at 20:00
I miss Sandy Keenan.
Jennifer Tinnesand Vogel
Posted on the 2008-07-30 at 20:00
I loved seeing the pics from the reunion!  I wish I could have made it, but was otherwise engaged.  So many people were absolutely was so much fun to guess the others.  I hope everyone is doing well, and hope to see you at the next reunion!
Angie Kamin (Melgaard)
Posted on the 2008-07-20 at 20:00
Thanks for the awesome pictures! It was so fun to look at the old and new pix.  I hope to make it to the next one... had conflicting schedules this time around.
Debra Tillie Bunker
Posted on the 2008-07-11 at 20:00
AHH!  I thought it was in Aug.!  I just looked up airfare yesterday.  Phew.. Just came back 2 weeks ago from visiting parents on Pokagama, boy I love that lake!
 Guess, I'll aim for next one. Hope ya'll have a wonderful time!  Take care!
Tom Alexander
Posted on the 2008-07-09 at 20:00
I had this event on my calendar for many months and now my youngest son's baseball schedule (state tournament) might get in the way, but I'm still holding out hope to be there.  I might be coming in hot, so someone have a cold beer waiting for me.

Tom Alexander
Scott Kurtock
Posted on the 2008-06-27 at 20:00
Hello, Everyone and I mean EVERYONE!!,              I hope after 25 years some classmates have lightened up and decided to come to the re-union.
Hope to see you there.  
Glen Adams
Posted on the 2008-05-19 at 20:00
25 years has gone by so fast.  Hope everyone can make it to the reunion.
Mark Grina
Posted on the 2008-05-11 at 20:00
Who ever took the time to put this website togerther has really done a nice job.  I was unable to return for our 20th reunion but would to make it back for this one if our schedule allows.
Jeff Barstow
Posted on the 2008-04-20 at 20:00
Hope Everyone is doing well!